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A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Way Upgrade

Client: Arcadis / National Highways


As part of the Roads Investment Strategy, National Highways undertook the North Trans-Pennine Routes Strategic Study, investigating some of the biggest challenges facing the road network in the North including the potential to create a new strategic corridor in the region linking the A1 and the M6.

The project, which is approximately 50 miles long, examined the case for dualling the road and making other improvements along its length, which, in addition to creating a strategic corridor, also seeks to address safety, reliability and resilience issues.  Central to this is the design and delivery of a public consultation programme to gain feedback on the proposed options to dual the A66 to help inform the selection of a preferred option.


Key Services

Stakeholder Engagement

CJ Associates was retained to carry out the role of Stakeholder and Consultation Workstream Lead on behalf of Arcadis, including:

  •  Leading on all aspects of stakeholder engagement and public consultation in support of the A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project, including negotiation, planning and implementation of a comprehensive events programme
  • Providing strategic direction and oversight of all workstream deliverables, including the pre-consultation programme, consultation programme, post consultation reporting and use of feedback by other workstreams and preferred route announcement preparations
  • Development and successful delivery of stakeholder engagement plans in accordance with the overarching stakeholder engagement strategy
  • Contributing to the development of a combined engagement, communication and external affairs strategy
  • Developing individual cohort plans
  • Developing and managing the stakeholder mapping for the project and prepare communications tailored to stakeholders and respond to stakeholder enquiries
  • Contributing to the development of a proposal for a CRM System for engagement and ensuring an accurate audit trail is maintained of all stakeholder engagement and all contact/activities are recorded on stakeholder database

Value Added

Due to our substantial experience and knowledge of the requirements for Development Consent Order processes and National Highways Project Control Framework, CJ Associates designed a comprehensive Route Options Consultation Strategy and individual cohort management plans to facilitate an effective engagement and non-statutory route options consultation in the lead-up to the Preferred Route Announcement for this essential scheme based in the North of England.